29 Temmuz 2010 Perşembe

Turkey Amasra About...

Meet the Amasra

Amasra - Queen of the city's first name Sesamos Amasra. According to the famous geographer Strabo Sesamos'u Scythians had established a tributary of the Amazon. What does that mean the first time that the source is not found in the Sesamos'un. Ashland, the name of the people of wild sesame seeds every spring flowers covering the slopes of Boztepe was born they could be explained. 300 years of sovereignty has remained a Phoenician city. Sesamos in that era, was a lively market and a busy port. BC 9 century Phoenician colonies of the Black Sea when the city abandoned the rule of Ionian input point. Alexander's sister-in-law of the current Iranian Queen Amastris Amasra founded. Amastris a few days early marriage, whether or not to end her husband Denys laziness disease, obesity become unable to move when the administration took over. The main aim of the reconstruction Sesamos'a was dragged out here. After his death the city had fallen into Amastris'in Pontus. This era of prosperity has been a period of Amasra. After the defeat of Pontus to Rome Sesamos (Amastris or Amasra), was sacked by pirates with Marmara. Later, the Romans engaged in an extensive reconstruction. Roman rule lasted for 500 years. From Rome to Byzantine rule after the city passed. October 1460 on Ottoman territory includes the city had Conqueror. (Necdet Sakaoğlu'nun 'Fountain-i Cihan Amasra' from his book) Do without SEE BACK Bartin Houses: Bartin under the protection of the house is around 260. This houses the Cultural and Natural Heritage Protection of the Ministry of Culture in Ankara without permission from the Board are unable to make any physical intervention. Registered a significant portion of the house is very well preserved and are still sitting in. Houses are usually built in the middle of the garden. Of tree cover around the house or with mouth-pılmış region called the''picket fence''of the garden fence, garden çevrilidir.Halk benefit in several ways. Every garden has a water well. Some of these wells have been built of stone inscriptions are. Walking in the garden area is covered with slate. Orduyeri Bridge: 1891 on the Bartin River, was built by Mr Kamil said Ismail. Prints on five sturdy legs. Between the first and second legs and the path through the west side. By three and four feet in the water, the fifth pillar of the neighborhood Orduyeri side. 98 The length of the bridge, the width 7.3.mt; dir.

Ashland Museum building in 1982 on my serve today. An ancient settlement which Amasra and the environment often portable antiquities emergence of this island museum to establish the idea created in 1955 from the compiled archaeological and ethnographic works, town hall, a small room in the exhibition have started. Ashland Castle: The castle on a small peninsula, was built by the Byzantines. Amasra castle belonging to the Byzantine period, particularly in the Genoese period and had undergone changes in the 14-15 century Genoese and Ottoman period also saw significant repairs. That are ruined castles, 500-600 m in length on each side of a rectangular shape. Four-fold rise in cases. 15-20 m-high towers and 24 towers built large stone blocks. Amastris'in queen's palace at the castle, aqueduct and the frescoes are the remains of two small churches. Kuşkayası Monument: Bartin-Amasra on the road 100 m south of the area in Askersuyu. This is carved out of a rock was formed. Anno Domini I. Century Roman emperor Tiberius, Gaius Iulius Aguilla built by the time the monument, located in an arched niche with 180 cm tall as a man standing on the half-columns in relief in the form of an eagle. Inscriptions can be seen on the side. Fatih Mosque: 9 Amasra century castle built in is an old Byzantine church. Amasra2nın sırasonda conquest by Sultan Mehmet the Conqueror was converted into a mosque. The structure of the entire structure of the characteristics of the period Nartheks (first congregation) section and Ambon (lapsis) projection was later joined venue. 19x11 feet in size, the mosque was renovated in 1887, a major. Aya Nicholas Church in 1319 in Bartin was built by the Greeks Jamaat. Since 1936, a period that historic buildings are used as power plant in 1994 and was renovated and opened as KüItür home. Gürcüoluk Cave: 32 Km to Bartin. Amasra away and the town, village Kuyupınar KARAKAÇAN neighbors. To reach the cave, sometimes in the forests of the south side neighborhood, sometimes with paths to walk about 3 km is required. Triangular-shaped room around 3-4 meters and consists of 15 rooms held. Interconnected rooms can be passed from one to the upper chamber, like a person from another, but large enough to accommodate one of the corridors is also possible to go to earth. Aksuçayı Falls: The Nation - by the parish of Sandy Hill KızılIar positions in the village of Hope. I hope the hill is 10 meters wide and divides the Aksu River, in three stages from a height of 35 meters below the traces in the rocks at the top of düşmektedir.Umar Hz. AIi'nin footprints horse is said to be. Here, we are going to pray the rain in summer dry days. Hopefully these features are attractive hills and the Aksu River ŞelaIesini Drinking and spas Dereköy Mineral Water: Our Bartin no healing water resources are sparse. Which is most important; Dereköy Madensuyu; stop. Intestine, gall bladder and bowel disorders is beneficial. "PARTHENIA" The name of the source of his return from Bartin "PARTHENIOS" stop. Bartin River, the ancient name of the Parthenios, Greek mythology, one of OKENAUS'un children and "God of Water" is. "God or the Great Water flowing water" to mean income. Another meaning of the "Young virgin or young girl choir songs for" ... "The young virgin," the goddess Athena is an adjective ... Bartin Parthenios called in ancient times the river was established on the edge of the city of Bartin Bartin PARTHENIA was called and the time is converted to be understood from the sources. The famous poet Homer, the Iliad, the Trojan warrior from Anatolia to the city to protect the country Parthenios River irrigation tells part of the brave. Strabo also still a work in Amasya Parthenios'tan talking with. BC Anatolia in 70 years entering the Romans, put an end to the dominance of Pontus Kingdom and the region enjoyed. In the Roman period, part of Bithynia and Pontus Bithynia-Pontus Paflagonya'daki Satrap were controlled by the state. Ashland, this section became the capital of the province of Pontus Anno Domini 395 years until the Roman Empire, the Roman-Byzantine Byzantium on the division's share of the Bartin and the environment had many years of Byzantine rule. Bartin and around BC Khazar ruler in the year 390, commanded by Han owner of Pecenek and Kuman, MS In the year 798, commanded by Abdulmelik Muslim Arabs, the Seljuks in 800 years and 865 years of the Russians was the target of intense raids. Turks in the region of interest began in 1084. Commander of the brain in 1084 by Emir Suleyman Karatigin Sinop Çankırı, Kastamonu and Zonguldak in the region by taking the Bartin, Ulus, Eflani, Safranbolu and Devrek founded the Emirate, including a Turk. However, the brain death of Solomon in 1086 and started in 1096 1 The Crusades, the Turks settled in Anatolia in the Northwest has created serious problems. Crusader allies, particularly after the agreement between the Byzantine Amasra, from Istanbul to Samsun to Sinop and Eregli, Black Sea coast until all re-entered the Byzantine rule. Kastamonu, Sinop, Bartin and Bolu, with dates in the history of the investigated IV. The period between the Crusades and in looking at 1460 Amasra, BC 70 - Anno Domini 1261 between Rome and Byzantium, then Byzantine rule in the Genoese colony remain as Kurucaşile'nin sometimes Amasra sometimes Bartin same fate is shared, Bartin and the Nation's the Anatolia concentrated in the population fights because often the hands and border changes of empires and They are living the period of principalities. Year in 1261, the Byzantine Emperor M. Paleologosun facing difficulties confronting to Cenovalılardan wants help for Galata, a commercial base building permit and in 1261 held in Nymphaion Agreement as the Black Sea in the few harbors along Amasra's the use Cenovalılara to leave Amasra's fate changed Amasra gradually evolving Genovese had been a colony. Genoese, had formed a friendship with environmental management for a long time thanks to protect that status until 1460 and ruled for 200 years Amasra. Bartin and the environment from Byzantium after the 11th passed into the hands of the last century, the Anatolian Seljuks. Kastamonu region 200 to 1326 years after the Seljuk dynasty and 1392'den Candarogullan predominantly from within the Ottoman Empire took place. When it comes to the year 1460, Bartin and the environment, within the borders of the Ottoman Empire, the Genoese colony was Amasra. To ensure unity in Anatolia, the Turkish Black Sea trade in the hands of the Genoese and denizyolunu countries in order to win the North Anatolian expedition to the Fatih Sultan Mehmet Han prepared, as the first target Amasra, Kastamonu and Sinop chose. In 1460, Fatih Sultan Mehmet, as set out under the pretext of hunting from Üsküdar, Mahmut Pasha Navy moved from the sea. Bolu, Kastamonu and Sinop conquerors came to dominate the region and the continuation of the principality of Candarogullan İsfendiyaroğulları'nın Ismail Bey Bey, the Sultan said the commitment by sending precious gifts. The Conqueror continued his way to come to camp in October, the current Orduyeri'ne founded Bartin. Naval providing communication messengers, they reported that the Navy appear off Amasra, Amasra the Conqueror marched on the Genoese Senyoru'ndan surrender without bloodshed took Amasra. Kastamonu, Sinop, and then again hands Amasra times changed, the great ruler of the Ottoman Empire Fatih North Anatolian expedition reached your ambitions with victory at the end. Bartin, the Ottoman Period 1460-1692 due Beylerbeyliğine Anatolia between the years took place within the borders of Bolu Sancaği. Sanchez abolition of Bolu 1692-1811 Voyvodalikla managed between the years Bartin, Kastamonu Province in the year 1811, depending on was attributed to the re-established Bolu Sanchez. During this period, the region's commercial potential in the market on which the Court takes the name of two Bartin, in 1867 became district. In 1876 the Council of the Organization was established. Bartin, sanjak in 1920 and 1924 in the Zonguldak province was connected to, said on September 7, 1991 Law No. 3760 dated 08.28.1991 has attained the status of the province. Bartin districts in the province in the Ottoman period, while counties with Republican Amasra converted to parish status in 1987 once again, the nation, in 1944, Kurucaşile; il9e was in 1957. Currently Head of Bartin, Amasra, International, and four counties to Kurucaşile, Treatment, Kozcağız, with Kumluca town and 268 villages have Abdipaşa

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